ximagesrc performance.

Nox Deleo noxdeleo at googlemail.com
Sat Jan 12 03:40:37 PST 2013

I doubt this'll be greatly relevant, but there's a program called xpra that
runs a headless X server and redirects it. They've got a few performance
tricks mentioned if I remember rightly, so maybe it'd be worth a quick look
under the hood, if only for some fresh ideas.
On Jan 11, 2013 10:55 PM, "Stirling Westrup" <swestrup at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm currently prototyping a new video source to add to my application.
> I've been asked to implement an X session as a source. However, I'm
> getting strangely inconsistent results from tests of ximagesrc.
> When I first gave this a try last last November, just to see if it was
> feasible, I used gst-launch-1.0 to make a test pipeline that read from
> one X session and wrote to another. It was *really* sluggish in
> performance, enough so that I reported to my boss that it looked
> unlikely to work.
> A few weeks later I had a free afternoon on my hand, and tried again,
> and THIS time I had no problems and was even able to capture a playing
> YouTube video and display it on another screen without any noticeable
> lag or delays. Alas, I did not keep a record of what the pipeline I
> fed to gst-launch actually looked like, because I can't reproduce this
> result.
> Right now I'm trying to get a working test pipeline so I know what to
> implement, and I can't get decent performance. No idea what I am doing
> different this time. My command line is:
> gst-launch-1.0 ximagesrc display-name=":1" ! videoconvert !
> "video/x-raw,framerate=(fraction)25/1,pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/2,format=(string)I420"
> ! xvimagesink display=":2"
> No idea why this is so slow, when the same machine can decode a 4K
> video and display it on four monitors simultaneously without problem.
> Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could try to get
> this working faster?
> --
> Stirling Westrup
> Programmer, Entrepreneur.
> https://www.linkedin.com/e/fpf/77228
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/swestrup
> http://technaut.livejournal.com
> http://sourceforge.net/users/stirlingwestrup
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