eglglessink on Raspberry PI

Julian Scheel julian at
Tue Jan 22 04:31:40 PST 2013


I have done some work on adding a Raspberry PI support to the
eglglessink. A very rough preliminary patch is attached. Especially the is evil, but I haven't had the time to properly sort out
the build issues I faced yet.
Actually the gl context is created and all gl calls seem successfull,
but the output is only a single color plane. The color seems to be what
is in the top left corner of the input picture.
I wonder about what possibly could cause this? One thing I could imagine
would be the VertexAttribPointer settings. I don't really understand the
code there:

  glVertexAttribPointer (eglglessink->eglglesctx.position_loc[0],
	3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof (coord5),
	(gpointer) (0 * sizeof (coord5)));

What does the (gpointer) (0 * sizeof (coord5)) as vertex array pointer
mean? For texloc the code is quite similiar.

I would be thankful for any hints.

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