Capturing jpegs from an h264 stream

Alex Hewson mock at
Wed Jun 5 08:17:09 PDT 2013

On 05/06/2013 16:12, Alex Hewson wrote:
> Since I have control of the framerate with raspivid's --framerate 
> option could I somehow hardcode the timestamps early in my gstreamer 
> pipeline?

A little google-fu turns up an old post on this list -

The author says "Try adding videorate and audiorate plugins in the 
respective branches of the pipeline. These plugins will add timestamp 
field to the buffer which comes from filesrc" - so would something as 
simple as inserting videorate after decodebin give me valid timestamps?

Alex Hewson
m: +44 7895 265219 | e: mock at | Skype: alex.hewson

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