Best strategy to handle failing streams?
Axel Philipsenburg
philipsenburg at
Wed Jun 12 05:24:08 PDT 2013
Hi everybody,
I need some help in finding the right directions for my evaluation of
Short question:
How do I keep a pipeline running if one input source fails?
Long question:
Right now, I have a file source feeding a video/audio stream into the
pipeline and an RTMP source fetching a live video that's going to be
mixed with the other video.
As live network sources are unreliable I need a way to keep the pipeline
running to show the video file even if the network stream for the live
source breaks.
What I did so far is, I create two source bins and one "mixing" bin that
via GhostPads. Then I would listen for error messages on the bus and
wait for the
live source bin to send a message.
The message does appear and, as explained from the "Dynamically changing
the pipeline" chapter
in the manual, I try to unlink and set the source bin to NULL state.
The problem is, that the rest of the pipeline seems to freeze even
though I don't see any state
change messages. The file source playback also freezes when the RTMP src
is buffering.
What I'd like to know is, how should I go about to remove sources that
throw error messages without
affecting the rest of the pipeline?
Is using the bus messages enough? Or do I need to work with (blocking?)
pad probes?
Thanks in advance!
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards
papaya Software GmbH
i.A. Axel Philipsenburg
papaya Software GmbH | Im MediaPark 5 | 50670 Koeln | Germany
Tel./Ph.: +49-221-5743-8072 | Fax: +49-221-5743-8099
mailto:philipsenburg at |
Geschaeftsfuehrer: André Schnitzler, Daniel Schäfer
Sitz & Registergericht: Koeln | HRB 60030 | USt.-Id.-Nr.: DE 255642963
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