Hardware decoding on android using GStreamer

yusuf.husainy yusuf.husainy at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 11:39:29 PDT 2013

Hello everyone,

The company I work for is developing an application on Android using
GStreamer. The application is to receive a mpegts stream over udp via wifi
and then to live playback it on the tablet as well as to record

The video stream received will be from an endoscopy machine streamin fullHD
1920x1080p at 60fps. The requirement is to playback this live on the tablet.
The tablet to be used is a Samsung Galaxy Tab2. According to the specs of
this tablet, it says, it is capable of playing back fullHD. 

Currently, to have a prototype of the application, I have modified
Android-Tutorial3 for receiving the stream, using the standard plugins
provided by GStreamerSDK. I also have used video overlays, to make the
GStreamerSurfaceView, occupy the whole screen of the tablet.

Currently, GStreamerSDK does not support any of the gstreamer provided
hardware accelerated plugins, so I am unable to playback fullHD at 60fps. 

Hence, for proceeding ahead, I used lower resolution video streaming of
1280x720(the tablet's native screen resolution), and also used 800x600. Both
of these, I tried at 30fps, and also 10fps.

However, I assume, as they or not fullHD at 60fps, they would stream without
any need for hardware acceleration. But, this does load the CPU and the
video is crappy and funky.

I would appreciate any suggestions or advice for achieving this kind of
functionality, knowing the limitations of GStreamerSDK.

Thanks and Regards,
Yusuf Husainy

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