GStreamer logging

Tim-Philipp Müller t.i.m at
Tue Mar 26 03:04:03 PDT 2013

On Tue, 2013-03-26 at 09:45 +0000, Ian Davidson wrote:

> I have been looking for a list of the Environment Variables which 
> GStreamer uses.  I have not found such a list - all I have found is 
> occasional mention of variables you might want to use.

Described here:

and in

  man gst-launch-1.0

at the end (but the first link is the main reference).

> Specifically, I notice that when you turn on logging, you tend to get a 
> roomful of data.  I am aware that that I can redirect the output from 
> STDOUT to a file


> but I think I have seen mention of an environment 
> variable to cause the logs to go to a specific folder.
> Did I imagine such a variable?  If not, what is it and where is it 
> described?

It's called GST_DEBUG_FILE, but it seems it's not documented in the
version on the website (but fixed in git).


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