GES Timeline

Eloi Bail eloi.bail at
Thu Mar 28 14:41:32 PDT 2013

Hi all,

I was using GESTimeline to play continuously a media split in several files.

It was working fine so far ( I can chain my split media files and playback
However, I need more feature and am struggling to know how to use classes
such as Asset, Clip, Track, TrackElement, Layout...etc

I would like to manage my playback in this way :

- manage multi-audio tracks. For the moment I am able to discover multi
audio tracks using GstDiscoverer but I do not know how to set / change an
audio track to my timelinepipeline
- manage audio and/or video tracks duration. For the moment I am setting a
global duration by media.
              sometimes have - audio track from file 1 = 1:59:50
                             - video track from file 1 = 2:00:00
                             - audio track from file 2 = 2:00:10
                             - video track from file 1 = 2:00:00

              I would like to have no gab on audio playing. So I would need
to deal with duration per track

I have several solution: Track, Clip, Asset and do not know what is the
best for my purpose (BTW I am using Gstreamer SDK 2012.11-1)

Could you please give me some advice ?



Here is an extract of my code :

/* This is our main GESTimeline */
>   data->timeline = ges_timeline_new ();
>   data->tracka = ges_track_audio_raw_new ();
>   data->trackv = ges_track_video_raw_new ();
>   data->layer = (GESTimelineLayer *) ges_simple_timeline_layer_new ();
>   g_object_set (data->layer, "priority", 0, NULL);
>   ges_timeline_layer_set_auto_transition (data->layer, TRUE);
>   data->sinkVideo =
>       gst_parse_bin_from_description ("timeoverlay ! ximagesink
> name=directdrawsink-output", TRUE, NULL);
>   /* In order to listen our timeline, let's grab a convenience pipeline to
> put
>    * our timeline in. */
>   data->pipeline = ges_timeline_pipeline_new ();
>   /* Add the timeline to that pipeline */
>   if (!ges_timeline_add_layer (data->timeline, data->layer) ||
>       !ges_timeline_add_track (data->timeline, data->tracka) ||
>       !ges_timeline_add_track (data->timeline, data->trackv) ||
>       !ges_timeline_pipeline_add_timeline (data->pipeline, data->timeline))
>     return 1;
>   ges_timeline_pipeline_preview_set_video_sink (data->pipeline,
> data->sinkVideo);
>   ges_timeline_pipeline_preview_set_audio_sink (data->pipeline,
> data->sinkAudio);
> -----
>   newuri =
>           g_strdup_printf ("file://%s",
>           "/home/eloi/avi/file1.avi");
>       GESTimelineFileSource *src2 = ges_timeline_filesource_new (newuri);
>       g_assert (src2);
>       g_free (newuri);
>       g_object_set (src2, "start", data->cycle * data->CLIP_DURATION,
> "duration",
>           data->CLIP_DURATION, NULL);
>       ges_timeline_layer_add_object (data->layer, (GESTimelineObject *)
> src2);
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