Streaming film audio in a public place...

Tim Müller tim at
Thu Nov 7 09:22:27 PST 2013

On Thu, 2013-11-07 at 16:03 +0000, Chris Dymond wrote:

Hi Chris,

> I work in partnership with the Sheffield International Documentary
> Festival, who are looking to work with the British Film Institute on
> ways to reach new audiences with documentary film. Someone suggested
> showing films in public places that would normally be difficult, either
> because they are too noisy, such as shopping malls, or too quiet, such
> as libraries. However, if you could provide a service whereby the audio
> is streamed to an app on the audience members' phones it would open
> such venues up for showing films.
> So I'm wondering: has anyone ever done anything like this before? And
> could the gstreamer framework be used to build a service like this?

Absolutely, shouldn't be too hard to do either. All the pieces already
exist, you just have to put them together in the right way. I think you
would probably need to write a custom app though, because otherwise you
have no real control over the buffering/latency (and thus audio/video

You can see synchronised playback across multiple devices at work with
aurena for example:


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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