x264enc on the Logitech C920's viewfinder

Severin Kacianka severin.kacianka at aau.at
Wed Nov 13 01:11:49 PST 2013


I am using the gstreamer 1.2 and a Logitech C920 with uvch264src[1]. I 
want to save the 1080p video to a file and stream the viewfinder (vfsrc) 
over the network.

I tried to use this pipeline:
gst-launch-1.0 -e uvch264src device=/dev/video1 name=src auto-start=true 
src.vfsrc ! queue ! video/x-raw,width=320,height=240,framerate=30/1 ! \
x264enc ! rtph264pay ! \
udpsink host=example.com port=1234 src.vidsrc ! queue ! 
!  h264parse ! mp4mux ! filesink location=bla.mp4

and this line at the receiver:
gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=1234 ! "application/x-rtp, payload=127" ! 
rtph264depay ! avdec_h264  ! xvimagesink sync=false

This does not work. gstreamer seems to start, the camera lights up, the 
file get created but then has a size of 0 bytes and nothing gets 
streamed over the network.

If I change "x264enc ! rtph264pay" to "jpegenc ! rtpjpegpay" it works fine:
gst-launch-1.0 -e uvch264src device=/dev/video1 name=src auto-start=true 
src.vfsrc ! queue ! video/x-raw,width=320,height=240,framerate=30/1 ! \
jpegenc ! rtpjpegpay ! \
udpsink host=example.com  port=1234 src.vidsrc ! queue ! 
!  h264parse ! mp4mux ! filesink location=bla.mp4

(receiver line:  gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=1234 ! "application/x-rtp, 
payload=127" ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! xvimagesink sync=false)

Does anyone know what could be the error or how I could track it down?

Thank you for your time,


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