alsasrc with clock from ALSA time stamps

Deti Fliegl deti at
Fri Nov 15 07:07:21 PST 2013


somehow it should be possible to use the alsasrc with time stamps from
the ALSA drivers. This is what I found out by looking at the source
code. The feature seems to depend on GST_CLOCK_TYPE_MONOTONIC. When ever
I use an alsasrc the clock type in is GST_CLOCK_TYPE_OTHER.
My goal is to get time stamps with more accuracy for use with the RTSP
server libary. The default clock source has too much jitter for my
application to preserve audio phase accuracy via network. I am using the
trunk version with this launch syntax:

alsasrc device=%s do-timestamp=true latency-time=%d buffer-time=%d !
audio/x-raw,rate=%d ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw, format=S16BE !
rtpL16pay name=pay0 pt=97

Any help would be appreciated.


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