Stream video and save on file

yoyosuper8 yoyosuper8 at
Mon Nov 18 07:53:52 PST 2013

To setup a pipeline which allows you to stand a RTSP server you will need the
GStreamer RTSP server library. You need to compile gst-rtsp-server-1.0 for
Gstreamer-1.0 or gst-rtsp-server for Gstreamer-0.10. I just got done messing
around with this and I would recommend using gst-rtsp-server-1.0 because
this version is written so that it closes the socket when you decided to
stop the rtsp server. The older version 0.10 does not handle this and it
leaves the port open making you specify another port to use.
If you have cerbero 1.2 installed and configured in your environment, then
all you have to do is execute the following command to build

$ cerbero buildone gst-rtsp-server-1.0

if you are building this for android (like I was), then execute this
$ cerbero -c config/cross-android.cbc buildone gst-rtsp-server-1.0

Now, you have to write some c-code to setup the rtsp server. To see some
examples on how to do this, navigate to the gst-rtsp-server-1.0 folder and
look for another folder called examples, in there you'll find several
examples on how to stand an rtsp server with or without authentication. Very
easy to follow.
I hope this helps. Post more questions if you have any.


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