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Dick Morris dmorris2521 at
Tue Nov 19 18:07:38 PST 2013

Viewing and Streaming H264 Stream

Hi,  I'm able to stream from a RPi to a PC and to view the stream successfully.  Then I went to try to view and save the stream at the same time using the command below and I can view it fine and I look and see that there's a file "test.mp4" just where it should be, however, when I tried to open "test.mp4" using handbrake or VLC, it isn't recognized.  I checked to make sure I had all the codec packages as well.  I ran VLC -vvv and saw messages like "ps demux warning: this does not look like an MPEG PS stream, continuing anyway" and "ps demux warning: garbage at input, trying to resync..."  I didn't see anything memorable in the output of the gst-launch-1.0 script but I'm going to go back and double-check.  I'm assuming that I missed something in formatting the stream correctly?  Thanks very much in advance for any input.

gst-launch-1.0 -v -e --gst-debug-level=3 tcpclientsrc host= port=5000 ! gdpdepay ! rtph264depay ! tee name=h264split h264split. ! queue ! avdec_h264 ! autovideosink sync=false h264split. ! queue ! filesink location=/home/user1/test.mp4
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