Videomixer to h.264 to udp

buzzy zygjys at
Wed Nov 20 00:38:47 PST 2013


I need to make a stream from 2 different pictures, encode it with h.264 and
stream it in multicast or unicast.
So far I have this line:

gst-launch-1.0 videomixer name=mix ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink multifilesrc
name = "fl2" location="img0.png" caps="image/png,framerate=30/1" ! pngdec !
videoscale ! video/x-raw, width=1280, height=384 ! imagefreeze ! alpha
method=0 alpha=0.5 ! videobox border-alpha=0 top=-300 left=0 ! mix.
multifilesrc name = "fl" location="img3.png"
caps="image/png,framerate=30/1,width=1280,height = 720" ! pngdec !
videoscale ! video/x-raw, width=1280, height=720 ! imagefreeze ! mix.

Stream must be in 720p resolution and I should be able to change the
pictures dynamically. With the line above I can see that pictures are mixed,
alpha is working and I can change the pictures in real time. However, I
can't seem to be able to encode this videomixer to H.264 and stream it over
the network. I know that this part should look something similar to:

... x264enc key-int-max=20 cabac=false ! mpegtsmux ! udpsink host=
auto-multicast=true port=1234

But it's not working the way I want (if I add this line to the end of the
first line): I still can see one of my picture on my screen when the other
is probably being streamed seperately over the network.

Any help would be great.

Thank you.

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