Problems Streaming Video using SDP File in Windows

Jon Lovewell jon at
Mon Nov 25 04:44:58 PST 2013

Further to my last posts I have been trying to investigate why the following pipeline 'gst-launch-1.0 -v filesrc location=D:\\stream.sdp ! sdpdemux ! decodebin ! autovideosink' is not working.

I am using V1.2.1 and this pipeline worked in V1.0.10

As an aside, I have tried the pipelines related to and I get video.

I am now setting up a pipeline manually in code (using a modified version of the client-PCMA.c example from tests\examples\rtp in gst-plugins-good)and attaching to the pad-added signal of the rtpbin.

The signal is emitted successfully but calling 'gst_pad_has_current_caps' returns false.

I do not think that this is the correct behaviour but am not entirely sure.

I would be grateful if anyone can give me a definitive answer and, if possible, any other suggestions as to how to track down the problem or get the pipeline working.

Thanks in advance


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