gst_element_query_position problem

Deepak Jain jain1982 at
Fri Nov 29 05:41:34 PST 2013


I am working with Gstreamer 0.10.
I am working on a Video on Demand application where-in users can watch the
videos by streaming from their servers with adaptive streaming.

User can PLAY a video, can return BACK in the middle of movie playback and
can get back to that movie later. Instead of the usual PLAY option, user
also gets Resume PLAYBACk option wherein he can start from the same
position at where he stopped earlier.

My situation is similar. I am resuming playback.

Say, I am resuming from 120sec, but my pipeline will start from the
beginning, all things starts fresh, but data starts coming from 120sec.

My pipeline is appsrc->h264parse-ffdec_h264->xvimagesink.

While pushing buffers in the appsrc, I am also setting GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP.

Now, my problem is when I query pipeline for the position of the playback
using gst_element_query_position(), it always starts from zero, and due to
this, even though my playback starts from 120sec, my progress bar and timer
always starts from zero.

What could be the the cause of this problem ? and what should be the proper
solution ?

Please help me as i dont know how to fix it. I assume that
gst_element_query_position() should always return the timestamp of the
playing buffer, but its not.

Thanks in advance.

Deepak Jain
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