Compiling a simple 'Hello World' GStreamer Project on Windows with Vs2012

Gazoo gazoo at
Wed Oct 9 00:29:44 PDT 2013

Once again Sebastian and Andoni,

I am in your debt. Changing the gst_parse_launch commands to 'playbin'
caused another set of errors, which seemed to resolve themselves once I
followed Andoni's advice of including gstreamers plugin dir directly in the

The program now compiles and runs. Since the URL it tries to open is long
out of date, I updated it to the following file:

For some reason though, the image is completely messed up. It's green all
over and clearly not being decoded properly. Audio seems fine though.

I tried a number of other formats online with the following results:

WMV - Program closes instantly.
OGV - Audio plays - Console displays d3d_stretch_and_copy errors en masse.
MP4 - Program closes instantly.

At least I'm getting closer to actual functionality, and I know we're now
beyond the initial issues, but since I have yet to decode/run a single video
file properly via GStreamer, I thought I'd keep using this thread.

So I guess my question is - focussing on the half-way working video - any
ideas where I should start looking? I don't get any errors, things just look
quite horrendous :)

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