gst-rtsp-server 100+ connection problems

John Doe john.d.irw at
Thu Oct 24 20:48:38 CEST 2013

Hi all, I'm testing gst-rtsp-server to see how much it can handle

I've used the test-readme.c almost identically, the only thing that I
changed was the media factory to :

    gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_launch (factory,
            "( rtspsrc location=\"rtsp://\"
! rtph264depay ! "
            "! h264parse ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )");

So basically the rtsp-server restreams that axis camera stream.

For testing the server I'm using this program :

I'm using ffmpeg since i'm more familiar with the tool, I could replace it
with gst-launch if anybody is willing to provide an equivalent

The system I'm testing on is debian wheezy, tester is local.

I've found that with both 0.10 and latest git this basic rtsp-server
doesn't handle more than 70 connections either local or remote :(

The errors i get on latest git are :

[NULL @ 0x261e420] Extradata set to 0x261e9a0 (size: 30)!
[rtsp @ 0x261bb20] hello state=0
rtsp:// Invalid data found when processing input

The full ffmpeg report is at :

This is how a 'good' connection report looks like :

The tester creates 100 log files in ./logs/ and I chek for errors with this
python script : ( this is kind of irrelevant
but in case anyone is interested.. )

I found gstreamer about a week ago and I very much like it as a framework
and I loved the rtsp-server README file and would like to keep learning and
using it so if anyone could point me to some resources on making
rtsp-server more scalable or anything that I could change to the server
code in order to make it more scalable I would really appreciate it.
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