sockfd missing for udpsrc in 1.1.90

Peter Maersk-Moller pmaersk at
Mon Sep 23 04:18:30 PDT 2013


The udpsrc parameter sock_fd seems to be missing in udpsrc plugin for
version 1.1.90 and some of the other 1.1 versions. Why is that ?

The parameter sock_fd is very important when you use gstreamer as an
application started by process like the superserver xinetd (newer version
of inetd), which is basic element of servers and widely used.

In my case I use xinetd to listen to a long range of UDP ports and then
start a gstreamer pipeline when a udp connection is identified. In this
case, xinetd has opened the UDP port and pass the open udp socket to
gstreamer. My gstreamer pipeline started by xinetd will then look like this:

  gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc sock_fd=0 caps='......' ! .....

You could argue that fdsrc in some cases can replace udpsrc, but udpsrc has
a long range of parameters not available nor relevant for udpsrc, so no it
is not a complete replacement.

Any chance to get sock_fd back in 1.1.x BEFORE release of 1.2 ?

Best regards
Peter MM
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