how to timestamp GstBuffer feeding to appsrc correctly to match GstGLVideoMixer needs

comicfans44 comicfans44 at
Tue Aug 12 20:58:47 PDT 2014

I'm facing some problems when using 2+ appsrc and GstGLVideoMixer

my workflow use gstreamer to display frames, but the data rate is
neither deterministic nor stable, so I hope to configure pipeline
as "a. sink redisplay as early as possible" and "b. never drop frame ".
 seems sink.sync=false gives a sink.qos=false gives b, 
I also set appsrc caps to very high FPS but only push buffers at low rate.  basesrc.do_timestamp=true

if only one appsrc in pipeline, everything seems worked, the queue in 
is empty almost all the time (check with 

but if more than one appsrc in pipeline,glvideomixer seems always sync by 
the slower appsrc buffer, leads the quicker appsrc queue quickly exploded .

I also tried to push data the same FPS as appsrc caps(use g_timeout_add 
callback ), found that if two appsrc have same FPS, worked (no queue 
if two appsrc have different FPS, higher fps appsrc queue still explod

as compare, 
videotestsrc ! fps=10 ! glvideomixer ! glimagesink videotestsrc ! fps=50 ! 
seems OK. (I also set different xpos,ypos to view the result)

so I came to the question:
1. how does the GstBaseSrc loop push wait until the next frame time ?
   does this happen in gst_base_src_do_sync->gst_base_src_wait
   ->gst_clock_id_wait route ? 

2. how  GstBaseSrc determine the waiting time to next call 
   basesr_class->create ? how can I lower it , or can it be  
   "as quickly as next buffer arrived"?
3. are appsrc and videotestsrc both worked as push mode source ? why appsrc
   pipeline queue exploded ? is the difference between g_timeout_add and 
   gst_clock_id_wait  , or vs videotestsrc's 

4. different fps videotestsrc demo worked, I guess GstVideoAggregator keeps 
   lower fps buffer but refresh at highest fps buffer update, but how could 
   timestamp my buffer correctly to meet GstVideoAggregator needs ?

5. could the GstVideoAggregator implements  "sync" and "qos" property just 
   like sink ? makes it can refresh as quickly as possible and never drop ?
   if this is not GstVideoAggregator maked for, how could I extend it to 
   achive this goal ?


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