Accessing hlsdemux stats

Srinath, Kamaldeep kasrinat at
Thu Dec 18 08:00:55 PST 2014


I see in the hlsdemux source that it sends two kinds of information under the “adaptive-streaming-statistics” message name:

    gst_element_post_message (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (demux),

        gst_message_new_element (GST_OBJECT_CAST (demux),

            gst_structure_new (STATISTICS_MESSAGE_NAME,

                "manifest-uri", G_TYPE_STRING, uri,

                "uri", G_TYPE_STRING, next_fragment_uri,

                "fragment-start-time", GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME, download_start_time,

                "fragment-stop-time", GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME,

                gst_util_get_timestamp (), "fragment-size", G_TYPE_UINT64,

                demux->download_total_bytes, "fragment-download-time",

                GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME, demux->download_total_time * GST_USECOND,


      gst_element_post_message (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (demux),

          gst_message_new_element (GST_OBJECT_CAST (demux),

              gst_structure_new (STATISTICS_MESSAGE_NAME,

                  "manifest-uri", G_TYPE_STRING, uri,

                  "uri", G_TYPE_STRING, uri,

                  "manifest-download-start", GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME,


                  "manifest-download-stop", GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME,

                  gst_util_get_timestamp (), NULL)));

I want to access this information regularly for each fragment/manifest, ideally in a downstream filter, or at least in the pipeline bus message handler. Right now, I am not able to do either of these. Any insight into how I can get this data would be really helpful. I can explain how I am trying to listen for this data currently if useful.


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