h264parse behavior with stream-format=byte-stream, alignment=nal input caps

Michał Wróbel michal.wrobel at flytronic.pl
Fri Dec 19 09:21:56 PST 2014

On 15.12.2014 13:35, Michał Wróbel wrote:
> It seems that h264parse doesn't use the "alignment=nal" information for speeding up the parsing - instead of pushing the NALs as soon as they arrive at the sink, it waits for the next NAL or rather the byte stream delimiter each NAL in stream-format=byte-stream starts with. (...) Is there any reason for such a behavior or is it a bug?
In the meantime I've found out that waiting for next NAL is need by the
algorithm in h264parse which merges NALs into AUs. Therefore, the
speed-up I wished for seems impossible without changing the algorithm.

Best regards,
Michał Wróbel

Michał Wróbel
Software developer

michal.wrobel at flytronic.pl
mobile phone: +48 501 386 897

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