some problem with the buffer and work mechanism of mfc_decoder

randy lxr1234 at
Thu Jan 2 22:20:33 PST 2014

  I am doing a encoder of using exnoys 4412 mfc encoder, but the
example from samsung is some dfficult to understand, so I begin with
gstreamer. I know few about gstreamer and glib(only some developed
before). And I don't know memory to memory driver well.
After using request_input_buffers in mfc_decoder/mfc_decoder.c, the
mfc_dec_context's input_buffer has been mapped with device, I think I
shall fill all the encoded_data into it, but I don't see it is used in
gstmfcdec.c, it is also same for mfc_dec_context's output_buffer.
And about gst_mfc_dec_queue_input, it dequeue first, I think it shall
enqueue with the first frame first.
It is same with gst_mfc_dec_queue_output.

					Thank you

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