vaapidecode to xvimagesink

rrazavi reza at
Tue Jan 14 08:44:00 PST 2014

Thank you for your response,

Yes The most important thing is that I should be able to specify the display
name, I'm using haswell GPU with drivers
that are mentioned in VAAPI wiki and gstreamer 1.2, I have usb displays
connected to my PC so I will have display 0,1,2.... my gpu is connected to
display 0, so decoding will always be there and I should find a way to
display it on other X outputs.
The contents that I'm using are 4k and vaapidecode performance on haswell is
far better than SW decoding.

So currently with gst-launch and the latest version of gstreamer vaapi on
master I will not be able to playback on a display except GPU main Display ?
Is there a way if I start to create pipelines in C code ?

Is it possible to add a future to vaapisink that when we use X output pass
display name to it ?

In additional I have tested it in gstreamer 0.10 with vaapidownload to
xvimagesink and the performance is great there. I t will reduce 30% of CPU
utilization and I have a smooth playback on my xvimagesink.


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