Draw same video on multiple windows.

Pedro Lacerda pslacerda at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 16:49:30 PST 2014

2014/1/13 Nicolas Dufresne <nicolas.dufresne at collabora.com>

> This will depends on your HW capabilities. But I don't think there is
> any major problem with that. It's also the way we do present a video
> preview in video calls.

Then so will, we have great workstations =)

Another little question. Seems that my decoding pipeline needs to consume
some frames guessing RTP and encoding parameters before decode them. But
when I specify full caps for udpsrc (with sprop-parameter-sets etc) the
decoding starts almost instantly, although briefly degraded.

I take 'application/x-rtp...' caps from the log, but I want watch for the
negotiated caps flowing trough the udpsink. Do you have any suggestion or
reference? Please, correct me any misunderstanding.

Very thank you both!
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