H264 and SEI messages

Chuck Crisler ccrisler at mutualink.net
Fri Jan 24 08:00:23 PST 2014

I am using GStreamer 0.10.30 (sigh). I have an input source that is an RTSP
server that is using SEI messages. The stream is multiplexed into MP2T and
then converted back to RTP. The problem is that the SPS/PPS/SEI messages on
the output side have timestamps equal to the previous frame while on the
input side the timestamps equal the next frame. When the output RTP is sent
to VLC on Windows, it doesn't display well. It pauses, then plays several
seconds very quickly, then pauses.

2 Questions.

1. Is it likely that the SEI timestamp change is responsible for this issue?
2. Should I try to shift the SEI timestamps to the next frame in rtph264pay?

I don't have much experience with SEI messages. The RTP that I have worked
with in the past didn't use them.

Thank you for any/all help.

Chuck Crisler
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