baseparse converting seek event from format BYTES to TIME

Tim Müller tim at
Mon Jan 27 01:39:09 PST 2014

On Mon, 2014-01-27 at 10:30 +0100, Eric Trousset wrote:

Hi Eric,

> When I do a seek on my pipeline, playing an mp3,  my source element
> doesn’t receive the seek event.
> The source element working in GST_FORMAT_TIME. 
> If I follow the seek event, it seems the baseperse element tries to
> convert it to a seek in GST_FORMAT_BYTES even if it as a input segment
> The result is that I end up with a seek event in byte format that
> can’t be handled by the source element. 
> I’ve attached some log. If this is a bug, I’ll put on bugzilla.

As far as I can tell from the log, the parser behaves as expected: it
will first try to forward the event upstream as-is to see if upstream
can handle it, and if that fails it will try to convert to a BYTE
position and try again.

The first line seems to indicate that it is actually passing the TIME
format seek upstream. So it seems that doesn't get handle somewhere
(probably either id3demux or your source)


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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