Multiple xvimagesink windows on one display.

Stirling Westrup swestrup at
Wed Jul 2 10:35:08 PDT 2014

I'm currently investigating an issue that's been reported with our software
where two or more xv windows on a single X display do not keep in sync.

I tried to write a little test program to see if I could duplicate this
problem, but my test won't even run!  Is there something I'm overlooking
here? With only one leg to the tee, this works fine, but with two legs, I
get two windows, but everything freezes:

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc pattern=18 ! tee name=t \
 t. ! xvimagesink display=:1 \
 t. ! xvimagesink display=:1

Stirling Westrup
Programmer, Entrepreneur.
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