how to limit the thread number?

Edward Hervey bilboed at
Fri Jul 25 08:08:26 PDT 2014

On Fri, 2014-07-25 at 16:59 +0800, Wang Zhenzhong wrote:
> thank you very much
> I know what's your mean.
> let's calc it:
> the centos of our server will be limited about 300 thread (optimized
> by ulimited and etc)

  Let's stop right there. That's ... stupid.

  on a standard fedora machine the limit is:
  cat /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max

  You are *THREE* orders of magnitude smaller.

  Change that limit please. a limit of 300 threads for a modern machine
is just stupid (unless maybe if you're running this on a i286, but then
you have other issues).


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