videosink on iOS

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Tue Mar 18 02:05:37 PDT 2014

On Mo, 2014-03-17 at 11:50 -0700, Jonathan Hunt wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to follow the ios tutorials for gstreamer 1.2.3. However, I
> can't find a working way to display video. autovideosink does not seem
> to result in something capable of display.
> i.e This pipeline succeeds "gst_parse_launch("videotestsrc ! warptv !
> videoconvert ! autovideosink", &error);"
> but
> video_sink = gst_bin_get_by_interface(GST_BIN(pipeline),
> returns nil.
> The only way I've been able to get a video overlay is with "playbin"
> but I don't want to play media. Does the iOS gstreamer now have a
> functioning videosink (I know earlier versions did not).
> I apologize if this has already been answered somewhere. I searched
> the list archives.

There is a working videosink, eglglessink. And autovideosink will also
autoplug that one. For it to work you'll need to provide it with a
"window" handle to render to as it's not possible to do that from inside
the sink. On iOS you'll have to provide an CEAGLLayer.

You can either set it on the sink in the very beginning with the
GstVideoOverlay interface or at the very latest when you get the
prepare-window-handle message on a sync (!) bus handler.

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd -
Expertise, Straight from the Source
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