debugging question

Tim Müller tim at
Fri May 2 00:58:12 PDT 2014

On Thu, 2014-05-01 at 23:28 +0000, Thomas Green wrote:

> I have an application with many pipelines and bins.  How can I set the
> debugging to trace only the pipeline or bin that I'm interested in?  If
> I, for example, set GST_DEBUG=appsrc:9, then I will get everything for
> every appsrc, when I'm only interested in the appsrc in a particular
> bin.

The easiest way is to just use 'grep', but if that is not feasible (e.g.
because you're working on an embedded system), you could also set up a
custom log handler where you do some custom filtering to decide whether
to pass on the log line to the default log handler or not. (And remove
the default one.)


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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