gstreamer vaapiencode_h264 occasional caps rejected

Haris Zukanovic haris.zukanovic at
Thu May 8 10:07:26 PDT 2014

Hi everyone,

I have a short experience with gstreamer and might be missing something 
very basic... so please bear with me.

I have setup a test with gstreamer where I use vaapiencode_h264 to 
encode and output streams. Underlying hardware accel is Intel Quick Sync 
with updated drivers. Input is rtp transport stream which is quite good 
quality and stable. Ouput is also transport stream.

My test command works but only sometimes!
Quite often, on average 1 in 3, it fails to negotitate the pipeline with 
following error message:
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstVaapiEncodeH264:v1enc: 
GStreamer error: negotiation problem
I included debug log with more details below...

My command is:
gst-launch-1.0 \
udpsrc uri=udp:// auto-multicast=true ! \
decodebin name=rawinput \
rawinput. ! queue ! videoconvert ! deinterlace ! tee name=v \
v. ! queue ! vaapiencode_h264 name=v1enc rate-control=cbr bitrate=300 
keyframe-period=90 tune=none ! mux. \
v. ! queue ! vaapiencode_h264 name=v2enc rate-control=cbr bitrate=700 
keyframe-period=90 tune=none ! mux. \
v. ! queue ! vaapiencode_h264 name=v4enc rate-control=cbr bitrate=1500 
keyframe-period=90 tune=none ! mux. \
rawinput. ! queue ! \
audioconvert ! faac ! mux. \
mpegtsmux name=mux ! \
udpsink host= auto-multicast=true port=1234

This is the extraction of errors and warnings from the log:
0:00:00.157710724 18037       0x7f6ca0 WARN                 default 
descriptions.c:612:format_info_get_desc: Unexpected MPEG-1 layer in 
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1
0:00:00.157762414 18037       0x7f6ca0 WARN                 tsdemux 
tsdemux.c:993:create_pad_for_stream: Non-media stream 
(stream_type:0x86). Not creating pad
0:00:00.507589178 18037       0x7f6a30 ERROR                  vaapi 
gstvaapiencoder.c:841:gst_vaapi_encoder_set_rate_control: unsupported 
rate control mode (1)
0:00:00.507654893 18037       0x7f6a30 WARN            videoencoder 
gstvideoencoder.c:608:gst_video_encoder_setcaps:<v1enc> rejected caps 
video/x-raw, format=(string)I420, width=(int)544, height=(int)576, 
pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)24/17, interlace-mode=(string)progressive, 
chroma-site=(string)mpeg2, colorimetry=(string)bt601, 
0:00:00.507702294 18037       0x7f6a30 WARN            videoencoder 
gstvideoencoder.c:1368:gst_video_encoder_chain:<v1enc> error: encoder 
not initialized
0:00:00.507749254 18037       0x7f6a30 INFO        GST_ERROR_SYSTEM 
gstelement.c:1835:gst_element_message_full:<v1enc> posting message: 
GStreamer error: negotiation problem.
0:00:00.507809417 18037       0x7f6a30 INFO        GST_ERROR_SYSTEM 
gstelement.c:1858:gst_element_message_full:<v1enc> posted error message: 
GStreamer error: negotiation problem.
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstVaapiEncodeH264:v1enc: 
GStreamer error: negotiation problem.
0:00:00.518770151 18037 0x7f12d8003190 WARN                GST_PADS 
gstpad.c:3669:gst_pad_peer_query:<v4enc:src> could not send sticky events
0:00:00.519029265 18037 0x7f12e00022d0 WARN                GST_PADS 
gstpad.c:3669:gst_pad_peer_query:<v2enc:src> could not send sticky events

The "rejected caps" warning appears sometimes on other encoder elements 
(v2enc and v4enc) and occasionally on even multiple encoder elements.
Would anyone please point me to where to search for the solution to this?


*Haris Zukanovic*
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