Gstreamer & GLib memory management/profiling

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at
Fri Oct 31 09:04:37 PDT 2014

Le 2014-10-31 11:42, Sergei Vorobyov a écrit :
> I "forgot" the line
> extern GMemVTable *glib_mem_profiler_table;
> before int main ....
> (by a nasty habit of C-x C-s, which saves in emacs but kills the line 
> and saves in Netbeans)
> But it *does not change anything*, since it is already defined 
> somewhere in GLib headers.

It looks like GLib profiler is reading before each allocation (assuming 
it's own padded allocator was used), but some allocation seems to be 
from calloc instead of the profile alloc. Valgrind bad read are all 
targetting stuff within _dl_init (dl-init.c:34), so basically, stuff 
that runs before your main. A talk with the authors on how dynamic 
library with init function are supposed to work would be nice.


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