Modern equivalent of --with-egl-window-system=rpi ?

Michael Tyson michael at
Wed Sep 3 17:37:41 PDT 2014

Hi guys,

I’m trying to make a build of gst-plugins-bad1.0 that’ll function on a Raspberry Pi (dispmanx window system). Previously, this could be accomplished by appending --with-egl-window-system=rpi to the configure flags, and adding some environment variables. In 1.4.1, configure doesn’t seem to recognise this flag any more.

I attempted to proceed anyway, and I can see that it finds the bcm libraries and defines USE_EGL_RPI, and even correctly initialises using bcm_host_init, but the glimagesink module refuses to start, with a "Failed to connect to Wayland display server” message. Attempting to rebuild with --disable-wayland, but I’m not hopeful.

Is there an equivalent to --with-egl-window-system=rpi?


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