Not able to seek in webm

Tim Müller tim at
Sat Sep 6 03:58:39 PDT 2014

On Fri, 2014-09-05 at 17:08 +0530, Sneha Murganoor wrote:


> I am using following pipeline to record stream from blackmagic
> intensity pro card:
> gst-launch   decklinksrc mode=18 connection=composite name=demux
> demux. ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! 'video/x-raw-yuv' ! vp8enc
> speed=7  ! mux.   demux. ! queue ! audioconvert ! audiorate !
> vorbisenc ! mux.   webmmux name=mux ! filesink location=newfile.webm
> Once recording is done.. 
>      1. I am not able to seek in recorded video "newfile.webm". How to
>         enable seeking?
>      2. Recorded File loads slowly and whenever i try to playback from
>         earlier point, it throws error saying "Video Can't be played
>         beacuse file is corrupt".
> Please cc me as i am not part of dl.

You need to pass the -e argument to gst-launch, so that it sends an EOS
event through the pipeline when you hit Control-C, which will finalise
the file properly and make webmmux update the headers and write an
index. (I have some vague memories of that not working properly with
decklinksrc in 0.10 though, but that's what needs to be done.)


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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