Know no of elements in gstreamer pipeline in real time

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at
Mon Sep 15 05:42:03 PDT 2014

Le 2014-09-15 07:56, Mayank Agarwal a écrit :
> Hi,
> Suppose gstreamer is running on any device and a/v is playing.
> How to know which all elements are used in the gstreamer pipeline
> which is playing audio/video.
> gst-inspect shows the no of all elements in gst registry
> Is there any command that tell the no and name of elements that
> are actively being used in gstreamer pipeline which is getting played
> on the device.
One of the technique is to dump the graph in the form of a dot file 
(graphiz). If you are using your own program, you need to call 
GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE() (or _WITH_TS() version if you want the file 
to have timestamp). If you using gst-launch-1.0 this is already handled 
for you. Then to enabled the dumps, you need to set 
GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR= to the path where you want the files to be created.

This will give you dot file that you can compile into SVG or PNG:

dot -Tsvg > my.svg
dot -Tpng > my.png


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