Record to file h264 + aac in mp4 produce only partially playable file.

KPAXIT romants at
Mon Apr 13 08:54:55 PDT 2015

Hi list,

I'm using following pipeline to record in file:

gst-launch-1.0 -e --gst-debug=**:4 videotestsrc is-live=true \
! queue ! videoconvert \
! videorate silent=false \
! videoscale \
! "video/x-raw, width=1280, height=720, framerate=25/1" \
! queue ! x264enc speed-preset=3 tune=zerolatency bitrate=3800 key-int-max=0
! queue ! muxer.video_0 \
audiotestsrc is-live=true \
! audioconvert ! audioresample ! audiorate ! "audio/x-raw, rate=48000,
channels=2" \
! queue ! faac bitrate=128000 rate-control=2 \
! queue ! muxer.audio_0 \
mp4mux name=muxer streamable=true \
! queue ! filesink location="/home/myenc/mystream.mp4" sync=false

It seems that there are no problems with given pipeline if we run it for
short session e.a. ~1-2 hour(s) or so.
But when we run it a bit longer (4-10h), recording file get broken somewhere
around ~4GB in file (equals to physical RAM!?) 
For example: if we capture 360p 1Mbit then file is playable until 4 hours
and if we capture in 720p 4Mbit then file is playable until 1 hour in file.

Did anyone experienced same issue or maybe somebody can reproduce it? 
Is this a normal behavior of qt/mp4mux like  'ensonic' mentioned here for
Is there a workaround for it?

After a lot of testing I made a hypothesis that it has something to do with
physical memory and how mp4mux works. 
However putting and/or removing extra RAM from machine did not had any
affect on broken files(still only playable until 4GB)

Any suggestion, example, point to right direction would be very much

*Please note:*
* the only playable recording file after 4GB I was able to generate, is when
we DO NOT use any muxer at all (aka byte-stream=true filename.h264)
* or we use mpegtsmux, which doesn't make use of index tables in memory (?)
* Because theora+vorbis+oggmux produced same broken result as h264+mp4 did,
it sounds like a general muxer issue and not only mp4mux/qtmux, but that is
only a guess. 

OS: Ubuntu 14.04
Gstreamer: 1.4.5 (also tested with 1.3.90)
Proc: i5-3570 @ 3.4Ghz
Ram: 4GB (also tested with 2GB, 8GB)

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