Implemnitng TCP to the Gstreamer editing Service

Nir Schwartz eyenir at
Thu Apr 30 21:29:02 PDT 2015

I'm trying to build a module of a server and a client (both sit on local
netwrok). Ther server sends audio streams which are being concatenated
without gaps but also dynamically (every timeI reach EOS I want to change
the audio to the next track).

I found some code of somebody who did it in gnonlin but alas it's not
dynamic  (means I have a list in the beginning of the code, It's added to
the pipeline and I cannot change it or add to it new sources without
ruining the pipeline). I thought to use Gstreamer editing Service instead
but I cannot see any option to send the pipeline to the client on another

Can I implement TCP (or any otheer protocol) audio streaming server using
GES ? Are there other ways/plugins (at least in python) to stream audio
dynamically ?

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