Video to jpeg: embedding timecode into the jpegs

Graham Leggett minfrin at
Tue Aug 4 16:35:13 PDT 2015

On 05 Aug 2015, at 1:08 AM, Thiago Santos <thiagoss at> wrote:

> The jifmux element can write exif tags to jpeg streams.
> frame. ! videorate ! video/x-raw,framerate=1/1 ! jpegenc ! jifmux ! queue ! multifilesink location=frame%d.jpg
> You can have a buffer pad probe in the jpegenc source pad and on the probe push a tag event to the jifmux with the tags you want to have written. For each buffer you send a new tag event updating the time for the frame.

Do you have an example pipeline to show this in action? I tried adding the jifmux element as above, but it seems there is no change to the exif data - I am assuming I am missing a step:

pi at raspberrypi3 ~ $ identify -format '%[EXIF:*]' /var/www/stream/frame0.jpg

> jifmux also implements the GstTagSetter interface so you can also use this API on it from the pad probe to update the tags for that jpeg buffer.

Can the above API be called from gst-launch?


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