udpsrc and ipv6: Name or service not known

Graham Leggett minfrin at sharp.fm
Thu Aug 6 08:36:51 PDT 2015

Hi all,

I am trying to pass an IPv6 multicast address to udpsrc, but I’m struggling - it appears the IPv6 address is being interpreted as a DNS address and the lookup fails. I have been looking for examples of IPv6 usage with udpsrc but am coming up with a blank.

Neither of these work:

udpsrc port=5004 "multicast-group=ffx8::30"
udpsrc uri=udp://[ffx8::30]:5004

Both return the following error:

gst_udpsrc_resolve:<udpsrc0> Failed to resolve ffx8::30: Error resolving 'ffx8::30': Name or service not known

Is there an example of IPv6 usage anywhere that I can follow?


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