Video to jpeg: embedding timecode into the jpegs

Graham Leggett minfrin at
Sat Aug 15 16:13:16 PDT 2015

On 05 Aug 2015, at 1:08 AM, Thiago Santos <thiagoss at> wrote:

> The jifmux element can write exif tags to jpeg streams.
> frame. ! videorate ! video/x-raw,framerate=1/1 ! jpegenc ! jifmux ! queue ! multifilesink location=frame%d.jpg

Some more reverse engineering later, and I’m confused - it seems that jifmux is able to write both EXIF data and XMP data, based on the code attempting to write EXIF then directly afterwards XMP.

I am stuck on the syntax you would use to target XMP.

Ideally, I would like to write “datetime” using XMP instead of EXIF, as the current implementation of EXIF gives resolution down to the second, while it appears that XMP gives you full millisecond resolution.

I am struggling to work out the XMP syntax for doing so that targets XMP and not EXIF, is it possible to confirm what it is?


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