Text relocation in Android gstreamer library: error compilation after API=23

Gregoire Gentil gregoire at gentil.com
Mon Dec 21 11:43:03 PST 2015

I have an Android gstreamer library. It was initially compiled with 
version 1.5.1 on API 19 or 21. I had a warning message stating that 
there are some text relocations but there was no problem.

I upgraded to API 23, NDK revsion 10e as well as gstreamer 1.6. If I use

     android:targetSdkVersion="22" />

in the manifest, everything works fine.

If I use

     android:targetSdkVersion="23" />

it still compiles but it doesn't work at run-time. The device says that 
it can't find the library though it's in the apk file.

Before the upgrade, I tried to add -fPIC but I was still getting the 
warning. I was unsure if the relocation was in my code or if it was in 
the Android gstreamer binaries.

Since the upgrade to gstreamer 1.6, I don't get any more warning or 
error during compilation. But now it fails at run-time.

I'm wondering if the gstreamer binaries had or have some text 
relocation. I don't think that I'm doing anything special in my 
gstreamer code that would trigger a relocation but I'm unsure.

Here is a couple of link:



Any idea?


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