Android GStreamer 1.4.5 Playbin issue on Japanese Boromax tablet

FranckyBoy fmorissette at
Fri Feb 13 08:31:01 PST 2015


I'm actually working on an Android Japanese tablet to play an RTSP stream
but i get the same kind of error 

received from element amcvideodec-omxgoogleh264decoder0: GStreamer
encountered a general supporting library error.*

Except the difference is that the decoder is not
amcvideodec-omxgoogleh264decoder but something like amcviddec-xxxx

I'm actually using playbin to create the pipeline. BUT, The problem does not
occur with the version 1.2.4 of Android GStreamer but the streaming is SLOW

Do you know how i can fix either the issue with the version 1.4.5 of
GStreamer or the slowness that i can with 1.2.4


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