use android binary omx codec

Aihua Zhao halley.zhaoaihua at
Wed Feb 25 00:52:35 PST 2015

Hi Experts:
I'm trying to use android omx binary codec in some way, and noticed the
implementation from Ubuntu and Jolla.
Ubuntu touch:

from my understanding, Jolla uses omx binary directly by android_dlopen();
while Ubuntu touch uses the codec from android media codec service. both
are in gstreamer world.

I wonder one possible implementation away from gstreamer:
the Android MediaCodec API is also convenient to use. on non-android Linux,
is it possible to load omx binary by hybris, then simply wrapped it into
MediaCodec interface?
you may say that is what android does; however, I think the implementation
in Android is over-complex and depends on android toolkit.
maybe i'm stupid on this; anyway, thanks if you could give me some comments.
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