Corresponding sources for GStreamer SDK?

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Mon Jan 12 00:32:47 PST 2015

On So, 2015-01-11 at 20:12 -0500, Benjamin Gilbert wrote:
> On 01/09/2015 03:41 AM, Sebastian Dröge wrote:
> > You can find the exact download location of the source tarballs or GIT
> > repositories used inside cerbero. See cerbero/recipes/*.recipe
> >
> > That's what is used during the build to get the exact sources used for
> > the binaries.
> Some of the recipes appear to be bound to a branch of an upstream Git 
> repo, rather than to a tag or commit.  For example, if I check out the 
> Cerbero 1.4.4 tag, I see this in gst-plugins-base-1.0.recipe:
> class Recipe(recipe.Recipe):
>      name = 'gst-plugins-base-1.0'
>      version = '1.4'
>      commit = 'origin/1.4'
> Doesn't this mean that gst-plugins-base will be built from the tip of 
> the 1.4 branch, rather than specifically from version 1.4.4?  If so, 
> then without knowing which commits had been pushed to that repo at the 
> moment a build was run, I cannot determine the exact source code 
> corresponding to that build.

For all the GStreamer recipes, the tag used is the one that corresponds
to the version of the packages. This is done by pinning the commits of
these in the configuration, but for future releases I will commit the
recipes with the versions in the recipes directly to make this easier.

For 1.4.5 all versions were 1.4.5, except for gnonlin-1.0,
gnonlin-1.0-static and gst-editing-services-1.0 which were at 1.4.0.

> > Please let me know if I forgot to tag any releases and I'll try to fix
> > that. For all the last releases there should be a tag.
> 1.0.7 and 1.4.5 are missing.  I had thought 1.4.2 was also missing, but 
> apparently there wasn't a 1.4.2 binary release either.

1.4.5 is tagged now, for 1.0.7 I'm not sure what the correct commit in
cerbero was unfortunately. Sorry about that!

> >> However, that seems overly indirect, and surely every SDK user
> >> isn't going to that much trouble. How are other SDK users ensuring
> >> they fulfill their license obligations?
> >
> > You have to provide the sources on demand of your users,
> That's not quite what the license says.  Section 6c of the LGPLv2.1 does 
> allow distribution of binaries along with a written offer for source 
> code.  However, section 6 only applies to a work which has been 
> statically linked with an LGPL library, and *not* to standalone binaries 
> of the libraries themselves.  Those are covered by LGPL section 4, which 
> requires the sources to be distributed alongside the binaries.  (See the 
> quote in my last mail.)  So, I can provide a written offer for source 
> when distributing my app, but the GStreamer project can't do that for 
> the SDK.
> > and IMHO pointing them to the download locations as above is enough
> > from our side.
> The FSF says no:
> >> Could Cerbero be modified to produce a giant tarball of all the upstream
> >> sources used in the build (and the build scripts, i.e. Cerbero itself),
> >> which could then be uploaded alongside the binaries?
> >
> > Yes, but we don't have infinite storage space available and the binaries
> > are already super huge.
> I do understand the practical difficulties.  However, the project has 
> specific obligations under the LGPL, and those obligations are not being 
> met right now.

It seems you're right and my memory about what the license said was
wrong. That will have to be discussed but could mean that we can't
provide binaries anymore for now or will have to delete older versions
of the binaries and sources relatively soon.

Can you create a bug report about this at
against GStreamer? We can then continue the discussion there.

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd ·
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