VASurface to OpengGL Texture and other questions
Jorge Fernandez Monteagudo
jorgefm at
Wed Mar 18 01:46:00 PDT 2015
Hi Arnaud!
I've tested the same pipelines in a debian 8 RC1 with gstreamer 1.4.4 and
gstreamer-vaapi-0.5.9 with a AMD Radeon R4 kaveri and radeon opensource
The vaapidecode / vaapisink is working ok too and the vaapidecode / glimagesink
pipeline is not SIGSEGV but is displaying a static garbage output.
I'll take a look to the OpenGL sharing links! And yes, it will be very useful for newbies
to have basic tutorials like a simple video player using hardware resources, at least
on x86 platforms, because there are a lot of details to take into account, and a lot
of questions will be auto answered, IMHO
From: gstreamer-devel [gstreamer-devel-bounces at] On Behalf Of Arnaud Loonstra [arnaud at]
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:29 AM
To: Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer
Subject: Re: VASurface to OpengGL Texture and other questions
The pipeline looks good. I recall running a similar pipeline on nvidia
hardware using 14.10. I think even using the provided gstreamer (1.4.3)
Have you tried a different nvidia driver? Usually multiple versions are
supplied or nvidia provides a newer one.
There are also examples of openGL context sharing available, including
a new one since last Gst hack fest.
This questions pops every now and then. I think we're in the need of a
good reference where the answer to this question is explained.
On 2015-03-18 08:31, Jorge Fernandez Monteagudo wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm back to my troubles with VAAPI and OpenGL :)
> I've installed the last gstreamer/gst-plugins 1.4.5 and
> gstreamer-vaapi-0.5.9 in my
> Ubuntu 14.04 workstation with vdpau 0.7 and NVIDIA VDPAU Driver
> Shared Library 331.113
> I'm trying to test the zero copy to implement a video player embedded
> in a OpenGL
> application. First of all I've tested a VAAPI only pipeline and is
> working ok.
> gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=big_buck_bunny_720p_surround.avi !
> avidemux ! vaapidecode ! vaapisink
> Then I've tried to use the OpenGL sink
> gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=big_buck_bunny_720p_surround.avi !
> avidemux ! vaapidecode ! glimagesink
> but a SIGSEGV is generated. Is it expected to work this pipeline??
> I was thinking using this pipeline in my videoplayer because
> glimagesink is able to use an external context,
> 'other-context' property, an glx context created by my application,
> and has a signal, 'client-draw', where you
> can do the painting process with a given texture from the videoframe.
> Is it correct??
> The second option could be change glimagesink with the appsink then
> the message question. Is it possible
> to convert the VASurface I get from vaapidecode to a OpenGL texture?
> Any example?
> Anybody has implemented something similar? What's the way to go?
> In order to allow debugging the SIGSEGV here is the gdb backtrace:
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