FLV Demux Seek in push mode

Vijay Vikram vikram.kvijay at gmail.com
Wed May 13 22:51:14 PDT 2015

I am currently using version 1.2.4 and checking the code of flvdemux.

I found that seeking to particular location in a file in push mode is
implemented to start always from beginning.

But pull mode seeking to a particular location in a file works well. Even
1.4.5 does not support seeking to any location in file in push mode.

I would like to understand why seeking is implemented like this in Push
I tried doing some changes but I am not able to get the tag start position
if I have moved to a random offset. Demuxer goes out of sync and is not
able to get back to tag start.

Can you please help me with probable solutions for this?

Thanks in advance !!!

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