pipe for test-multicast in gst-rtsp-server

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at collabora.com
Thu May 14 07:32:44 PDT 2015

Le jeudi 14 mai 2015 à 07:55 -0400, Jerry Geis a écrit :
> Is this the correct PIPE to insert into gst-rtsp-server test
> -multicast.c ?
> ( filesrc location=/home/silentm/trailer_videos/Amazon_1080.wmv 
>  ! fluasfdemux name=demux ! queue ! fluwmvdec ! ffmpegcolorspace 
>  demux. ! queue ! theoraenc ! rtptheorapay name=pay0 pt=96 ! queue !
> fluwmadec ! audioconvert 
>  demux. ! queue ! vorbisenc ! rtpvorbispay name=pay1 pt=97 )
> I am trying to take WMV, convert to OGG and multicast that out.
Any reason to use 0.10 version of GStreamer ? This has been
unmaintained for several years, so if you hit a bug you will be on
your own, or forced to workaround (or left without any solution).
Note that your pipeline isn't complete. You demux and decode the video
stream from the wmv (ignoring the audio). Then you don't link that to
anything (ffmpegcolorspace is not linked). Then you create two more
branch on the demuxer that expects to receive theora and vorbis from
that wmv file (which is very unlikely).

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