Bidirectional rtpbin audio transcoding
Okrslar Ales
okrslar at
Mon Nov 16 05:22:17 PST 2015
Hello !
We're strugling using rtpbin (two of them) in a bidirectional server side audio transcoding pipeline: (simplified here)
udpsrc -> rtpbin_1 -> rtpdepay_x -> decode_x -> encode_y -> rtppay_y -> rtpbin_2 -> udpsink
udpsink <- rtpbin_1 <- rtppay_x <- encode_x <- decode_y <- rtpdepay_y <- rtpbin_2 <- udpsrc
This is all encapsulated in a single pipeline. When the pipeline receives incoming RTP stream, a warning appears:
GStreamer-WARNING **: loop detected in the graph of bin 'transcoding_pipeline_0'!!
The pipeline works as expected, but when we try to tear it down, starting by setting it to NULL state, the driving thread dead-locks on a gstreamer mutex.
Do we follow a valid approach to the transcoding of audio RTP ? Thanks!
Regards, Ales
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