Sharing timestamps with external applications

Ryan Talbot rtalbot at
Fri Apr 15 10:24:24 UTC 2016

Hi everyone,

My application requires (potentially mutliple) external applications be able to manipulate a pipeline (possibly multiple pipelines).  They also need  to be able to get timestamp and sequence information from video and audio passing through those pipelines.  I had originally planned on just using a tee and an appsink, until the design scaled beyond one application needing access to the video images in real time... and also it would be nice to avoid the buffer copy in the tee :). So, I thought I would write a plugin that acts as a pass-through for buffers, pulls out the buffer timestamp and sequence information, and makes it available over some form of IPC (probably a socket).

I ran the gst-element-maker script using basetransform as the template, although I'm not sure that was the best choice.  I did not want to use video/audiofilter, since this will likely need to be applied to both.  Using simply 'element' as the base caused the automated tests to fail.

Would there be a better template to use?  Is there a better way to share this information with other applications?

Thanks in advance,
Ryan Talbot
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