Question regarding use of interleaved and deinterleaved elements in processing chain

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Tue Aug 23 08:24:57 UTC 2016

On Mon, 2016-08-22 at 21:15 +0200, Hauke Krüger wrote:
> > You'll have to connect to the "pad-added" signal of it, and from there
> > link the pads further. See also the first part in chapter 8 of the
> > manual (application developer's manual).
> Yes, that worked out as you said. However, it seems to be impossible to 
> set the pipeline into the
> PLAYING state afterwards: Whenever trying to set the state of the 
> pipeline to PLAYING, the pipeline element
> is blocked since it expects an ASYNC state change which unfortunately 
> never really is solved.
> How is that part supposed to work? Is there any way to somehow observe 
> the ASYNC state change by catching
> a message in the main loop?

That all depends on your actual pipeline. How does it look like?

Most commonly this means that you have one or more sinks in your
pipeline that never receive any buffer and are async=true (which is the
default). You should check where data flows in your pipeline and why it
doesn't reach all sinks. Also check if you get any error messages.

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd ·
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